
Welcome to The Pitching Mechanic, the affordable place to analyze your pitching mechanics. Dr. David Klaus, DPT, ATC is a physical therapist at LMH Health OrthoKansas in Lawrence, Kansas, a pitching coach at A-Team Sports Training, and has dedicated a large portion of his career to studying and analyzing the pitching motion. His analysis service utilizes athlete videos (even from cell phones) and two-dimensional analytical software to measure foot, knee, hip, torso, shoulder, elbow, and wrist ranges of motion and actions to see how an athlete’s mechanics compare to high-level throwers. The goal is to improve performance and give athletes the insight to help them transfer the mechanical stress of pitching as efficiently as possible to avoid potential injury.

2D analysis software to help compare to hard throwers


Why Analyze

The report generated by David is based on hours of reading scholarly articles that scientifically give the most effective positions throughout the pitching motion. The entire pitch happens in less than a second, and trying to determine all the body’s positions during that time with the naked eye is difficult. The analysis software allows David to find the exact time of the windup, stride, early arm cocking, late arm cocking, acceleration, deceleration, and follow-through motions and use that information to give the pitcher a good idea about what they are doing right, and what they could work on to be a safer and more effective pitcher.

Sample of Report

Sample of analysis

I am available most evenings from 7-9 p.m. (central time) for Zoom calls.

The Overhaul


The Overhaul is a motion analysis report and 30 minute Zoom session with David (at a time agreeable to both parties) to break down your pitching motion, see how you compare to high-level throwers, and ensure you understand how to use the information in the report and apply it to improve areas that can increase velocity and lessen the chance of injury. This is where I recommend you start.

The Tune-up


The Tune-Up is a motion analysis report only (no Zoom session). This is is recommended for those who wish to compare their current motion to a prior analysis or for those who already understand the nuances of the report. 

The Check-up


The Check-Up is a 30 minute Zoom session with David (at a time agreeable to both parties; no motion analysis report) to discuss a prior analysis or possible drills to improve mechanics.

Zoom Self Scheudle

Contact Me


Hit me up on Facebook or Insta! I will get back to you as soon as possible.